For Parents & Guardians
Benefits of Study Abroad
Every year, American students embark on study abroad programs across the globe, gaining experiences that shape their future. Here are some key benefits:
✈ Personal Growth: Students become more independent and self-confident.
✈ Intercultural Skills: They develop an understanding of diverse cultures.
✈ Career Goals: Study abroad can enhance career prospects.
✈ Language Skills: Immersion helps hone language proficiency.
✈ Global Perspective: Living in another country broadens their worldview.
Money Matters:
✈ Planning: Discuss budgeting and financial plans with your student.
✈ Banking: Inform banks and credit card companies about international travel.
✈ Credit Card: Ensure they have a credit card that works abroad.
Financial Aid:
✈ Consultations: Meet with our financial aid representative for study abroad expenses. Family members are welcome. Book here.
✈ Opportunities: Numerous scholarships are available. Click here for a list.
✈ Support: UCIE advisors assist with applications and essays.
Legal Concerns
Consider creating a Power of Attorney documents:
✈ Financial: Allows a trusted person to manage finances. Students can name a family member or trusted person to manage their finances while abroad. This could mean working with a landlord, paying bills or receiving money on their behalf. This document can also be put on file with the student’s bank or credit card company.
✈ Medical: Allows a trusted person to discuss medical care. Students can name a family member or trusted person to talk with medical providers while abroad regarding their care.
✈ Services: Contact Wright State Student Legal Services for assistance in preparing these documents, visit Student Legal Services to learn more.
Staying in Touch:
✈ Plan Ahead: Decide on communication methods (FaceTime, email, phone, Skype, social media).
✈ Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins, considering time differences.
✈ International Plans: Check with your cell phone carrier for international options.
Health and Safety
✈ Familiarize: Understand the program and have contact information.
✈ Documents: Keep copies of the student's passport, flight itinerary, and important documents.
Medical & Dental:
✈ Records: Ensure you have copies of their medical information and prescriptions.
✈ STEP Enrollment: Register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
✈ Health Insurance: Comprehensive coverage is provided; contact the UCIE study abroad coordinator for policy details.
✈ Travel Insurance: WSU partners with International SOS for security services. Visit International SOS.
Personal and Mental Wellness
Handling Homesickness and Culture Shock: One of the most common feelings students get when they study abroad is being homesick and experiencing culture shock. This is not uncommon effect for students as they are experiencing new cultures, new people, food, music, language and routines. Making yourself aware of the phases and how to work through them can be very helpful in supporting your student.
✈ Phases: Understand the phases (honeymoon, frustration, adjustment, acceptance). Read about it here.
✈ Support: Use available resources such as 8 Tips to Overcome Culture Shock.
✈ Wellness: Address any personal or mental health issues that surface promptly, and seek support if unsure how to proceed.
FERPA Release
Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), students do have a right to protect their privacy in regards to school records. When a student is abroad, it is important that the student has provided a FERPA release form that gives consent to the sharing of information to whoever is designated on the form. This could be parents, guardians, family members and the school. This is crucial when a student is in a study abroad program to have left this in place in case of an emergency.